52 Weeks Free

1 Peter

Why Should Women Read 1 Peter?

How do you live as a Christian in a world that increasingly opposes believers and the biblical truths they uphold? How can you lead a holy life when others persecute you? How should you respond to unjust criticism and ridicule? How can you resist giving up and losing hope when you are struggling?

If you relate to any of these questions, you must read 1 Peter. This book will remind you that Christians may suffer for what they believe. The letter will affirm, however, that Jesus Christ is your hope in the midst of all suffering. He shows you how to endure afflictions with patience and faith. Get ready for encouragement—read 1 Peter!

Biblical Womanhood – Hospitality

Peter includes hospitality in the ministry of spiritual gifts (4:9). Biblical hospitality ministers to givers as well as receivers. The Bible promotes hospitality that:

• shares with the poor (Pr 31:20);
• does not seek reward or compensation in return (Mt 6:1-4);
• puts people before things (Mt 10:42);
• shares all possessions (Ac 2:44);
• offers freedom and forgiveness (Rm 8:2);
• seeks to serve others (1Pt 4:8-9); and
• does not complain (1Pt 4:10).

Biblical hospitality is opening one’s home and heart to others in Jesus’ name. It involves more than elaborate menus, elegant table settings, or lavish entertaining. It includes sharing what a woman has and who she is with whomever God sends her way. Christians are to extend love and grace to friends and strangers while enjoying their fellowship.

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